CDP-Child Development Program

Modern era and todays competitive race has made us run very fast. This has been the only option left with everyone prevailing in the society and as an outcome,children are the victim of the adverse situations.

Experience of more than 15 years in the field of education has made us realised the need of CDP, an initiative which will make your child a genius star.
Today books and copies are a terror for most of the child but this fear could be kicked out, and so we have designed CDP, Child Development Program.

CDP is a program which lets the children experience the practical scenarios for better understanding the applications of the thought and process which they discover in their books and try to apply. Now, let every child asses their ability and let them nurture the extra ordinary qualities they are born with...

CDP is available at the selected schools.

To know more speak to our project officer.

Rohit Sinha
Project officer